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Administration of Ruza district of Moscow region asked Director of MedicaTour to give an expert opinion on the region

Administration of Ruza district of Moscow region asked Director of MedicaTour to give an expert opinion on the region

On November 27, 2019, a major landmark event took place in Ruza dictrict of Moscow region - the Interregional Investment Forum "Business Development in Recreational, Sanatorium and Resort and Other Tourist Areas". Organizers of the event and administration of the district to two days invited the management of MedicaTour to get acquainted with the recreational opportunities of the region, and the Director of the company, Tatiana Sokolov, to make an expert report at the forum.

Tells Director of MedicaTour Ltd. Tatiana Sokolov:

“We arrived one day earlier to get aquainted with this region more closely. Igor Kolesnikov (Tourism Advisor of the Ruza district) himself accompanied us on this trip. He is an amazing person, a true enthusiast, sick with all his heart for the Ruza land.

First of all, we visited an amazing place - the Haskyvillage "Ruzskaya Alaska". The owner and founder of this amazing place, Natalia Basina, told us a lot of interesting information about the history of the husky. More than 120 dogs live in her kennel. All of them are surprisingly friendly, affectionate, sociable and happy. In a stylized house, Natalya treated us a herbal tea with homemade cakes. On the territory there is a Russian bathhouse and a cozy guest house. Picturesque nature, warmth and love - all this helps to relieve stress and reboot your body. Very interesting routes and special programs have been developed here - winter expeditions on dogs, summer dog tracking, etc. I want to return to this place again and again.

The second visit was to the surprisingly moving contact zoo ZooOleni, which Vasily Vasichkin founded and maintain. Here you can chat with deers, closely and not through the cage lattice. The names of these deer are the most common human ones - Sasha, Oleshka, Petya, etc. An unusual feeling is when you walk around the zoo surrounded by a crowd of deers and I am sure that there is no such reserve anywhere in the world.

There are also a few unique sanatoriums on the territory.

Ruza has a very interesting story, and there is something to be proud of and something to develop.”

On the second day of the visit was forum on which and General Director of MedicaTour made a report “Development of the export of medical services in the region by promoting sanatorium and resort services”.

At forum there was also signed an agreement on the creation of a tourism cluster between a few districts of Moscow region.

The Ruza's area has great potential for the development of tourism and recreation. Our company wishes success and achievements to residents of this area.