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Nephrology is the branch of medicine that deals with kidney disease.

The kidneys are vital because they filter waste and excess water from the blood, and support the regulation of fluids, electrolytes, and acid-base conditions, which can be altered by illness, as well as medication and toxins.

Kidney disease symptoms

Among the symptoms of kidney disease are frequent, rare or painful urination, enuresis, changes in the volume of urine, its color and composition, swelling of the face and legs, pain in the lumbar region, and others. Many kidney diseases can be latent for a long time.

What Nephrologists Do

Nephrologists provide a full range of advisory, diagnostic and therapeutic services for patients with kidney disease. The scope of care covers all stages of kidney disease, from the earliest detectable changes in kidney function to end-stage kidney disease.

Treatment of kidney disease

Kidney disease is usually treated with a strict diet and medication. But in more complex cases, it is sometimes necessary to remove the kidney, kidney transplant, remove stones, etc. Kidney dialysis is also used to cleanse the blood in case of renal failure.


We work on nephrology with hospitals and dialysis centers in 15 countries.

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