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Immunotherapy for cancer

The fact that immunity and the development of cancer are closely interrelated, scientists found out in the middle of the last century. And further studies have only confirmed this. The oncologist-immunologist Inta Jaunalksne, who has been working on this issue for almost thirty years, tells us about modern methods of immunotherapy and the experience of treating oncologically sick people.

What are cancer cells?

Cancer cells are ordinary cells of our body, which, under the influence of any factors, began to change their properties to pathological ones and were transformed into potentially dangerous ones. Such cells that have malignant signs appear regularly in the body of any person, but a well-functioning immune system keeps them under control. However, as soon as the "protective barrier" weakens, a person can start having problems on all fronts, including in oncology.

According to the oncologist-immunologist Inta Jaunulksne, it is scientifically proven that people with innate lowered immunity are more likely to undergo oncological diseases. At risk - the elderly.

In a cancer patient, the immune system is very vulnerable. Firstly, the cancer cells themselves are able not only to mask and mutate well, so that the immune system recognizes them as “their own”, but also “fighting” with it, causing damage. Secondly, chemotherapy and other toxic and aggressive procedures negatively affect the immune system: they destroy malignant cells, but at the same time they “beat” the immune system.

Immunity enhancement

Enhancing of immunity is vital for people with cancer. It is necessary to help the body recognize new malignant cells and stimulate the defense system to effectively combat them: to suppress their growth and prevent cancer from recurring.

This is precisely the aim of the complex immunotherapy methods. In the last decade, the range of procedures has expanded significantly: new methods such as therapy with dendritic cells and "killers" have emerged, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by clinical studies and is reflected in scientific publications.

According to Dr. Jaunulksne, after the course that has been taken, the body’s immune response to malignant neoplasms improves, and the effectiveness of traditional cancer treatments increases by 20–45%.

Making an individual treatment plan

The health of a person and his immunity depend on very many factors. Therefore, before embarking on treatment, the oncologist-immunologist conducts a thorough diagnosis. Analyzed the results of laboratory and radiological studies and indicators of the immune response of the body. The case history is scrupulously studied and on the basis of these data it is determined which immunomodulators will be most effective for this person.

Further, an individual treatment plan is drawn up, which may include both general restorative procedures and therapy with dendritic cells and "killers", as well as traditional methods.

Preparation for immunotherapy

Before proceeding with specific treatment, the patient's body is being prepared. Depending on the type of therapy, both the chosen scheme of procedures and drugs may vary. The most popular methods are vitamin C and ozone therapy. Intravenous injections of curcumin and artesunate are also used - drugs of plant origin that suppress the growth of malignant cells, as well as other means.

Intravenous injections of vitamin C in very high doses allow you to get a very good therapeutic effect: reduce inflammation, stop tumor growth and increase the immune response - the destruction of cancer cells occurs more selectively.

Contributes to the suppression of malignant cells and the restoration of the antioxidant system and ozone therapy. The patient is put the system and make injections with solutions, which include his own blood enriched with oxygen molecules.

If a person has bad veins, the injections are replaced with special oxygen “enemas”, and the diet contains oxygenated fresh juices.

Dendritic Cells Therapy

If a person has already been diagnosed with an oncological or precancerous condition, special vaccines can help. They reprogram the body’s endogenous (cancer-recognizing) immune response to the immunogenic - control of the disease and active control of it. This avoids recurrence, metastasis, and also increases the sensitivity of cancer cells to the standard treatment methods used.

One of these vaccines is a dendritic cells preparation. It is created in a special laboratory on the basis of the blood of a patient or a donor (a relative of the first degree): blood cells are extracted from it, which are able to absorb foreign bodies and saturate them with cancer antigens.

Immunotherapy with killer-cells

Unlike treatment with dendritic cells, which affects the cancer indirectly, by improving the body's immune response, killer cells saturated with cytokines (CIK) “join” to the cancer cells themselves and “kill” them.

The drug is made from the patient's blood: lymphocytes are separated and enriched with cytokines (proteins that transfer information between cells that play an important role in the immune system). Once in the patient's body, the CIK immediately goes to the place where the tumor forms and begins to destroy the cancer cells: they themselves find them, without the help of the immune system, which is often weakened in a patient and cannot independently fight back the disease.

According to the oncologist-immunologist Inta Jaunulksne, who is treating oncologically sick people for almost 30 years, after undergoing an immunotherapy course, the health of patients improves. The maximum effect is achieved when immunotherapy is combined with traditional methods of treatment. And sometimes immunomodulating therapy is the only way to help a person who, for a number of reasons, is not allowed or does not benefit from traditional treatments.

Inta Jaunulksne is an oncologist-immunologist and the leading specialist of Amber Life Cancer Clinic, one of the few clinics in the world where all types of the above-mentioned therapies are successfully used.

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