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Surgeries for the treatment of hemorrhoids in South Korean clinics

Hemorrhoids is a pathological expansion of the hemorrhoidal veins of the mucous membrane of the anus. The tissues of the mucosa and submucosa inside the anus become swollen and fall out of the anus. At first, they usually do not cause any pain or bleeding, but eventually anal prolapse appears. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are rectal prolapse, bleeding, and pain.


During the operation, a hemorrhoid is placed on the clamp, the node is cut off from the vascular pedicle and first the vascular bundle of the node is stitched with catgut, and then the surgical wound is sutured after removing the clamp.

In each case, the doctor decides individually on the necessary modification of the operation.

Minimally invasive surgery

Sclerotherapy of internal hemorrhoids is the introduction into the tissue of the hemorrhoidal growth of the substance-sclerosant specifically. Under its action, hardening of the blood vessels occurs, replacement of the vascular cavities with connective tissue.

Method Longo

The essence of the operation is to conduct a circular resection and closure of the loss of the mucous membrane with hemorrhoids. During surgery, only a portion of the rectal mucosa is removed above the so-called dentate line.

As a result, conditions are created under which the blood supply to the nodes decreases, which leads to their gradual desolation and overgrowing of connective tissue.

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